A Rising Concern

Acid Attack involves the premeditated throwing of acid on a victim, usually on her face. It is a gender-based heinous crime against women. In addition to causing psychological trauma, acid attacks result in severe pain, permanent disfigurement, subsequent infections, often blindness in one or both eyes.

Acid attack

  • The number of reported acid violence cases hovers around 200 annually
  • Globally, 80 per cent of acid attack survivors are women, and 60 per cent of cases go unreported
  • Seventy-six per cent of the attacks are committed by a person known to the victim.

Suffering Of The Victims And Survivors

Physical consequences

Describing the physical damage acid causes to a person is not an easy task but everyone knows how it is. Acid can burn through two layers of the skin, into the fat and muscle underneath and if the burns are of higher degree, it can go down to the bone and dissolve the bone itself.

Psychological consequences

The psychological effect can be even more painful to bear, not only for the victim but also for the family. The victim lives with the mental image as a disfigured and unacceptable part of the society and the family lives with the regret of being helpless and unable to help improve the situation.

Social and Economic consequences

The victims who are unmarried are unlikely to ever get married because society is not broad-minded enough to accept a permanently disfigured woman in their family.They are refused jobs because they do not have the personality the employer is looking for and their presence might negatively affect the profit of a business.

Number of cases in Previous Years


There were 249 attacks and 67 attempted attacks in 2019.


There were more than 105 acid attack cases reported in the country in 2020.


There were more than 73 attempted acid attack cases reported in the country in 2021.